Make this easy popsicle stick sign to remind you of Jesus' supernatural ability to make all things possible.

Use this sign as a door hanger or as wall art using few materials.

12 x Jumbo popsicle sticks
1 x Regular popsicle stick
Paint or markers
Glue (Elmer's or wood)
Wax paper (optional)
Step 1: Glue popsicle sticks together. Start with gluing six sets of two, then combine and glue three sets of four. If you are using smaller popsicle sticks just double the amount of sticks. I placed wax paper under my freshly glued sticks so that they would be easily removed after the glue had dried.

Step 2: Paint or color your sticks. I used watercolor because it was the only thing I had handy. Watercolors worked well because they dried light, making the words stand out well. I did notice a bit of warping caused by the water so use little water if you are painting this way. Use what you have available to you, even light colored markers will work.
Step 3: Stencil on your letters using a fine point sharpie, pen, or paint. I used some peel and stick stencils that I already had, you can use a regular letter stencil too. Here are some that you can purchase on Amazon.

Step 4: Flip the sticks over to the backside and glue any size shape or color ribbon. I used 1/4" wide scraps cut 8" long that I had for this project.

Step 5: Use some colorful paper scraps and a popsicle stick cut in half to make mini popsicles. Cut the paper to the popsicle shape of your choice and then glue it on a small popsicle stick cut in half. Finish the sign by gluing on the mini popsicles.

If your kids make this craft, take a picture and tag us @hpbc_quarries_kids or share on our Facebook page.