How to make an easy growth chart to track your child’s growth for years to come.

Ribbon (2.5 inches x 2 yards)
Piece of thin ribbon or string
How To:
Start by cutting a 6-foot length piece of ribbon. Try to avoid using a wired-edge ribbon.
Start by cutting a strip of ribbon 6 ft in length. Then glue to the dowel.

Make a mark at the top of the ribbon. Use that as your starting point and measure down from there making a mark every 3 inches.

Free hand or stencil numbers every foot with a sharpie marker.
Last, tie a ribbon or string to the top dowel and hang 6 feet off the ground.
Enjoy customizing the ribbon to the child’s personality or room color.
If you make this for you or your family take a picture and tag us @hydeparkthequarrieskids on Facebook.