It’s popsicle that our kids have the answers.

We just opened an early birthday gift from grandma – the first “fancy doll” for Elsieclaire (age 7, almost 8). It’s an 18-inch doll with real hair and a bajillion accessories. My mom actually sent one for each girl. Nothing to break up the “I miss normal” blues our girls found themselves in this week after our Texas governor announced that schools will not be returning in person to finish out the school year.
Iveykay (age 6) took her doll, Chloe, on a tour around the house. “If you need to use the bathroom, just whisper in my ear,” I hear her explain.
Then with nods to her potential as a future mom or school teacher, she explains to her doll life as we currently know it.
“There’s this thing called the coronavirus going on right now, so we are going to need to stay home for a while. It’s like this sickness where kids can get it and be ok, but if we are around old people, they will get it and could get really sick, because there’s no medicine for it yet.”
Do you know what I didn’t hear when Iveykay explained our circumstances?
Fear. Anxiety. Saddness.
Now I’m sure there is some. When we found out about school being canceled, she cried, saying, “but it won’t be the same. It will never be the same kids and the same teachers in the same way.” Makes me choke up just typing it.
Our babies, big or small, our babies are gifts from God.
This week Carter, our 2-year-old, fell in love with the song “Stand by Me.” Watch him sing it to me here. I watched this on repeat 20 times because I needed to hear that sweet voice say, “I’ll stand by you, won’t let nobody hurt you, I’ll stand by you.”
I’m on a roller coaster of emotions, and I imagine you are somewhere on the ride. Are you: Grateful? Sad? Peaceful? Frustrated? Hopeful? Confused?
Look to your babies, because there you will see God. See how Jesus highlights the value of young children in the New Testament.
3 And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. 14 But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. 15 Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” 16 And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them. Mark 10:13-16, ESV
Iveykay got her words mixed up and asked if something was, “popsicle” meaning, “possible.” We want you to remember this week that anything is “popsicle” with Jesus. Children are among the most immature, inexperienced, and uneducated in our society, yet the King of the universe finds value in them. He can speak deep and divine truths through their sweet innocence, because, say it with me now, “Anything is popsicle with Jesus.”
HannahLee and HPBC Kids Team
What are some things you can learn from your kids? While children can be our teachers at times, we need the Lord to help us apply what we learn to our hearts. Ask Jesus to help you do this.
Related Bible Verses
But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26
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HannahLee Duffey is the Minister to Children at Hyde Park Baptist Church in Austin Texas. She is married to Bryan and has 3 kids. She likes coffee, everything Christmas, the color pink, dancing and smiling…it’s her favorite!